The genus Eleocharis of Renfrew County:
A comparative study

By Grant A. Bickel, 2020

Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes, Needle spikerush

Eleocharis acicularis is common throughout Renfrew County, found in a variety of wetlands in muddy places and emergent shorelines. The culms resemble stiff green needles (the latin meaning of acicularis is "needle-like") and this tiny plant grows so abundant and dense that it can form carpets covering large areas.

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Inflorescence, achenes and scales of Eleocharis acicularis

Figure 1. Inflorescence, achenes and scales.
Habit of Eleocharis acicularis

Figure 2. Habit.
Habit of Eleocharis acicularis

Figure 3. Habit.
An occurrence map of Eleocharis acicularis in Renfrew County

Figure 4. Occurence map for Renfrew County and surrounding area.
Accession records for specimens from Renfrew County
Accession # Collector Date
CAN 551539 A. Vogg 1988-July-13
DAO 585246 D.F. Brunton 1987-August-26
CAN 529708 S.J. Darbyshire & S. Aiken 1987-July-20
CAN 526926 A. Vogg 1985-July-18
CAN 497288 A. Vogg 1983-September-17
CAN 497315 A. Vogg & H. Vogg 1983-August-21
CAN 570149 T.C. Brayshaw 1962-August-06
DAO 252169 M.I. Moore 1962-June-15
DAO 252172 M.I. Moore 1961-August-31
CAN 570152 T.C. Brayshaw 1960-September-19
CAN 570151 T.C. Brayshaw 1960-September-12
DAO 252154 W.G. Dore 1949-August-04