The genus Eleocharis of Renfrew County:
A comparative study

By Grant A. Bickel, 2020

Eleocharis erythropoda Steudel, Red-stemmed spikerush

Eleocharis erythropoda is sparse in Renfrew County. It can be confused as an immature or diminutive form of E. palustris but E. erythropoda only has one sterile scale (Figure 2) as compared to two or more sterile scales found on E. palustris. Eleocharis erythropoda also has slightly inflated leaf sheaths. Erythropoda means "red stemmed" but red stems are also frequent on E. palustris so it is not diagnostic.

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Inflorescence, achenes, scales and basal sheaths of Eleocharis erythropoda

Figure 1. Inflorescence, achenes, scales and basal sheaths.
Comparison of inflorescence of E. palustris with E. erythropoda

Figure 2. Comparison of sterile scales of Eleocharis erythropoda and Eleocharis palustris. Only a single sterile scale, clasping nearly the whole stem, is found on Eleocharis erythropoda.
An occurrence map of Eleocharis erythropoda in Renfrew County

Figure 3. Occurence map for Renfrew County and surrounding area.
Accession records for specimens from Renfrew County
Accession # Collector Date
CAN 551758 A. Vogg 1989-July-09
CAN 551559 A. Vogg 1988-July-16
CAN 551543 A. Vogg 1988-July-13
CAN 496838 A. Vogg 1982-July-23
CAN 570176 M.I. Moore, J.S. Johnston 1971-September-06
CAN 570154 T.C. Brayshaw 1962-July-14
DAO 255004 J.A. Calder & D.B.O Sevile 1952-August-06
DAO 254997 J.A. Calder 1952-August-06